Death of a Unicorn
Death of a Unicorn
Death of a Unicorn

Death of a Unicorn (2025)

Comedy, Fantasy, Horror - 3 April 2025
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Elliot and his daughter Riley accidentally hit and kill a unicorn while en route to a weekend work retreat, where Elliot's billionaire boss seeks to exploit the creature's miraculous curative properties.

Director:  Alex Scharfman
Writers:  Alex Scharfman


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Elliot and his daughter Riley accidentally hit and kill a unicorn while en route to a weekend work retreat, where Elliot's billionaire boss seeks to exploit the creature's miraculous curative properties.

Collections: Alex Scharfman

Tagline: They're going to make a killing.

Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  3 April 2025

Box Office

Company Credits

Production Companies:  A24, Square Peg, Secret Engine, Ley Line Entertainment

Technical Specs